Failure is not an option

3 Days •100KM • Sept 5 - 7, 2025. Registration is open!
Kidneys May Fail. We Won't.

Walk the farthest you have ever walked and raise the most you have ever raised in the fight against kidney disease and for organ donation. Join us for an unforgettable journey.

4 Million Canadians have chronic kidney disease or are at risk. Most people don’t even know until it’s too late. Together, we march to make the biggest difference we have ever made and have a life-changing impact on all those affected by this devastating disease.
Learn more about Why We March.

• April - 2025 Kidney March EXPO. Date TBD.









September 5-7, 2025


2025 Fundraising Goal

Goal $1,000,000.00 CAD
Achieved $55,341.02 CAD
Some offline donations and sponsorships may not be applied to the above fundraising total.

2025 Top 5 Fundraising

  1. 1. The Three Sisters$3,152.00
  2. 2. KIDneyKIDs$3,031.28
  3. 3. The PeePee Dancers$2,809.00
  4. 4. Red Bean Kidney Team$1,808.50
  5. 5. Llama Llama$1,600.00

2025 Top 5 Fundraising Individuals

  1. 1. Jayne Hutton$2,256.00
  2. 2. Grant Minifie$2,200.00
  3. 3. Bridgett Taylor$1,586.00
  4. 4. Kristy Allary$1,519.00
  5. 5. Marsha Stackhouse$1,400.50

Facebook Page

6 days ago

Kidney March
✔️ Training Tip TuesdayPacing Your Walking - Don’t worry about how fast you walk at the beginning of your training, go at a comfortable pace. If you are walking with a friend, you should be able to hold a conversation. As your fitness increases, change up your pace to improve your ability to reach longer distances. Here are three paces to keep in mind:1️⃣ Stroll - think “Window Shopping”, your breathing is normal, and your walk is enjoyable. 2️⃣ Easy - Continuous comfortable walking, your breathing is almost normal, and you're moving somewhat faster3️⃣ Brisk - walking with a real purpose, your breathing is harder, but still conversational, and you're moving quicker than normal steps. Remember: Kidney March is a walk, not a race. It’s cooperative, not competitive. Don’t feel you have to keep a particular pace, or that you have to keep up with others. There will always be Marcherstraveling at just your speed. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Kidney March
🚨 Fundraising FridayLooking for a fun and engaging way to raise funds towards your Kidney March fundraising goal? Try hosting your own 50/50 draw. If you are located in Alberta, connect with us at the Kidney March office and we can help you set up your raffle license.Everyone’s a winner when you raise funds for something meaningful. Get started today and bring people together for this great cause! 🙌Need some fundraising inspiration? Visit the Kidney March website fundraising page: ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Kidney March
🚨FACT: Kidney disease affects 1 in 10 Canadians, yet many don’t even realize they’re at risk until it’s too late. It is one of the leading causes of death in Canada, and it often goes undetected until the damage has progressed. You can help take action to improve kidney health and support organ donation by joining us at Kidney March. Kidney March is a challenging journey that shines a spotlight on the need for vital funds to support research, programs, and the people across Canada that are affected. It’s a powerful, collective effort that drives positive change and raises awareness for the kidney cause. We have come a long way, but there is still more work to be done. Are you ready to step up and make a difference? Register today for Kidney March at ... See MoreSee Less
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