Kidney March 2014 needs you! The Kidney Foundation’s National President tells you why.

We’re on a mission to stand up and make noise. We hope you will too.

Most people reading this have been touched by kidney disease in one way or another. If you’re like me, you’re endlessly frustrated by its nature. Debilitating. Incurable. Utterly relentless. To seeing people I know and love go through the daily reality of this disease is disheartening; but I have hope.

Kidney March is in its fifth year. We celebrate how far we’ve come in the field of research, we honour those we know and love who are affected by kidney disease and we put faith in a future where it’s no longer a silent killer that currently affects more than 1 million Canadians. And, most important of all, we do something about it. Something Big.

I’m asking you, to do the most you can possibly do to help plant the boldest flag humanity has ever attempted in the fight against kidney disease and the appeal for organ donation. I’m asking you to join us for the 5th Annual Kidney March.

Click here to read more.

Make 2014 your best year yet.

Best Way for Spreading Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear

We, at the Kidney Foundation Southern Alberta branch, are singing to you and singing your praises.

Click here to read more.

KM Activities for the week of July 16th, 2013

There’s lots on the go on the Kidney March front this week; training walks, fundraisers and FYI (For Your Inspiration!) Sessions all over the province. Sure hope you can join us for one near you. Feel free to share with family/friends! All events are open to absolutely everyone.

Tuesday, July 16th @ 7p – FYI Session at the Kidney Foundation office in Calgary (6007 1A Street SW). Grab some inspiration, find out all the details of Kidney March 2013, chat training and fundraising with the Kidney March team and meet other Marchers, Crew and Alumni. Registered or thinking about it? Come down and check out all you need to know about your adventure of a lifetime.

Tuesday, July 16th @ 6:30p – 5K Training Walk at Henderson Lake in Lethbridge. Meet at the Main Concession.

Wednesday, July 17th @ 6:30p – 6.5K Training Walk at Echo Dale Regional Park in Medicine Hat. Meet at the concession (the first lake with the beach).

Saturday, July 20th & Sunday, July 21st – Kidney March Team UR in over UR head are hosting a garage sale fundraiser in Calgary at 608 Seymour Avenue SW from 8a-4p both days. They’re also accepting donations this week to the sale so if you have anything you’d like to contribute, feel welcome to contact Jenn Watson at:

Saturday, July 20th – Kidney March Team, Team Christina are hosting a BBQ & Bottle Drive from 10a – 4p at the Wal-Mart in Medicine Hat.

Saturday, July 20th – Kidney March Training Walk at 9:30a – 15K at Edworthy Park, 5050 Spruce Drive S.W.

Hope to see you there. You don’t have to RSVP, but we’d love it if you did: or 1.866.9KMARCH

Kidney March Expo is just around the bend

Kidney March 2013 is upon us! That means, it’s Expo time. It’s a little taste of adventure and heroism (for our fellow passionate fans of the hardest working organ) to kick off the 2013 Kidney March season.

To our new Marchers (or those thinking about it but leaning a bit towards yes), Welcome. We can’t wait to meet you in person!

And to our returning Alumni, our Kidney March Family. Welcome back. We’re delighted to see you again. And, honored that you have decided to once again step up to the plate and raise the boldest flag humanity has ever seen in the fight against kidney disease and the appeal for organ donation.

For those new to Kidney March and not sure what to expect, the Expo is a can’t miss afternoon chock-full of “how to’s, what now’s, and when should I’s”. Have questions about training? We can help you get ready for this. It’s our specialty. Wondering if you’ll hit your fundraising goals? We’ll turn you into a fundraising machine, we promise. Wondering where you’ll sleep? We’ll introduce you to our 5-star accommodations under the stars.

Expo Details:

Date: Sunday, April 28th, 2013
Where: Fort Calgary
, 750 9th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB
FYI Session – 11:00a-12:00p
Kidney March Expo – 12:00p – 2:00p
Kidney March 5K Training Walk – 2:00p – 3:00p

We can promise you that at both the Expo and at Kidney March, you will be in the company of the most inspiring folks on the planet. These heroes, who all have their very own story of why they are standing up and making noise for Kidney March are the inspiration that fuels Kidney March, the largest walk of it’s kind in Canada. And, we’d love it if you joined us. Feel free to bring a friend (or two). Because the only thing that sweetens the beauty of this journey of a lifetime is sharing it with a loved one. Or a team of loved ones.

Drop in’s for the Expo are very, very welcome but if you could RSVP, we’d sure appreciate it.



T: 1.866.9KMARCH


Why Walk 100km’s in 3 Days? Because (kidney) failure is NOT an option.

Check out our new Kidney March video. It not only shows what Kidney March is all about, but it demonstrates why Kidney March is vital in its supporting research and programs. We need your help to spread the word! Please feel welcome to SHARE this video freely today!

via kidneymarch.