I thought I share some tips for coping in hot weather. I had some experience in extreme temperature events like finishing the 2014 Vineman Ironman distance race (3.8km swim 186km bike and a full marathon) in a 41˚C heat wave. That was way too hot. So here are some tips my coaches relayed to me.
Coping in hot weather:
•Switch to light color clothing, preferably non-cotton, polyester blend fabrics for breathability. Light or white color clothing cuts a few degrees off your overall heat load.
•wear a light color hat or cap to keep the sun off your face. A hat can help cool your head effectively, especially when soaked in water or holding a baggie of ice underneath your cap for temporary relief.
•bring a pair of sunglasses. Protect your eyes from the bright sun. Fighting glare without the help of sunglasses only brings discomfort.
•lighten your load-reduce your gear to the bare essentials. Edit your gear ruthlessly and thoughtfully. Think about dropping off your heavier stuff or morning clothes at the aid stations.
•carry a water bottle with you. Use water to spritz yourself every few minutes for additional cooling. A cold bottle held near your neck where the carotid artery is is a good way to bring extra relief. But be careful to avoid getting your shoes wet if you choose to soak yourself. One trick is to lean way forward to get wet to douse yourself but keep your legs dry.
•drink electrolyte rich sports drinks to prevent dehydration and it helps to reduce swelling of hands and feet caused by prolonged exercise in the heat. If your pee is a darker shade of yellow, you’ll need to drink a lot more. Hydrate until you pee light yellow or pale clear. You may be sweating out salts more than you are used to and replacing lost electrolytes is even more important on hot days and exercise. If you feel muscle cramping, increase your electrolyte intake. Upping your salt intake can help reduce cramping within minutes.
•if you have elastic laces, they may help your feet adjust your feet as they tend to swell. As the day gets warmer, you might opt to loosen the tension in your laces to ease some of the pressure from your feet swelling from heat and prolonged distances.
•positive mental attitude goes a long way. It gives you room to handle more challenges. Negativity is unnecessary baggage to think about on your mission. The thoughts you have should be focused on being comfortable as best as you can. Think about drinking water or spritzing yourself to aid cooling.
•most importantly…listen to your body. Know the signs of heat exhaustion. If you feel:
• muscle cramps
mild confusion
abnormally fast heart rate or breathing
extreme thirst
nausea or vomiting
pale skin
heavy sweating or even the lack of sweating
Take a break in the shade and recover. Your safety is paramount.
Register, Be Rewarded, and Your Chance to Win a Gift from The Washboard Union!
2023 is kicking off with exciting news and Marchers and Crew leading the way to our biggest year! The Exciting News… Be a Trailblazer & You Could Win Concert + Dinner Tickets!
The Washboard Union, was so honored we picked their song ‘Shine’ as your theme song for 2022, they wanted to give you all one more gift. The chance to win four tickets to their Calgary show on December 3rd, but that’s not all, it also includes a special pre-concert dinner at Hotel Arts!
Register as a Marcher or Crew before November 25, 2022, and be entered to win:
Four tickets to The Washboard Union show(artists of our 2022 theme song) in Calgary on December 3, 2022, AND
A pre-concert dinner for four in the ATB Blue Room catered by Hotel Arts
Already a trailblazer? You are already entered to win! Gain bonus entries for every BRAND NEW participant you recruit as a Trailblazer to join you! (Contact Susan at susan.reghenas@kidney.ca with the new registrant’s name).
We played a personal message from The Washboard Union at our closing ceremony, and in case you missed it, watch it here.
1. Personalize your fundraising page. Ask our Kidney March team if you need help. Link to your page on social media. People like giving securely online.
2. Email everyone you know the link to your fundraising page link and ask for their support. What’s the worst thing people can say? Many will say YES.
3. Have a 50/50 raffle. We will get the license for you. Host an event (pub night, garage sale, garden party, BBQ) and sell the 50/50 tickets there. Who doesn’t want a chance to win some money?
4. Ask us for marketing materials – posters, pamphlets, brochures, donation forms, registration forms, and signs!
4. Practice what you want to say when you ask. The reason you are taking part in Kidney March is compelling. This is the only Kidney March in the world. Ask your friends and neighbours to help you reach your goal.
5. Host a Bake sale.
6. Have a Kidney Clothes drive. Did you know you can get credit for the clothes you donate to Kidney Clothes? Ask us how.
7. Run a raffle/silent auction. Ask local businesses for prizes. Best time to ask is when you are buying something! Remember to contact us about tax receipting and the license.
8. Bottle drives are excellent – you can also ask for donations when collecting the bottles. Plus you can train at the same time!
9. Host a BBQ with friends, co-workers, family … and charge a fee. People will be happy to pay to help the cause.
10. Check with your employer to see if they match employee fundraising.
1. Personalize your fundraising page. Ask our Kidney March team if you need help with that. Link to your page on social media. People like giving securely online.
2. Email everyone you know the link to your fundraising page link and ask for their support. What’s the worst thing people can say? Many will say YES.
3. Have a 50/50 raffle. We will get the license for you. Host an event (pub night, garage sale, garden party, BBQ) and sell the 50/50 tickets there. Who doesn’t want a chance to win some money?
4. Ask us for marketing materials – posters, pamphlets, brochures, donation forms, registration forms, and signs!
4. Practice what you want to say when you ask. The reason you are taking part in Kidney March is compelling. This is Canada’s longest, largest single event for kidney disease and organ donation. Ask your friends and neighbours to help you reach your goal.
5. Host a Bake sale.
6. Have a Kidney Clothes drive. Did you know you can get credit for the clothes you donate to Kidney Clothes? Ask us how.
7. Run a raffle/silent auction. Ask local businesses for prizes. Best time to ask is when you are buying something! Remember to contact us about tax receipting and the license.
8. Bottle drives are excellent because not only can you ask for bottles, you can also ask for donations when collecting the bottles. Plus you can train at the same time! Win, win, win!
9. Host a BBQ with friends, co-workers, family … and charge a fee. People will be happy to pay it to help the cause.
10. Check with your employer to see if they match employee fundraising.
1 – Wear a hat with a brim. It will keep the rain off your face, so you can see, even in a downpour.
2 – Dress in layers if it’s cold. The most important layer is the one closest to your body. Make sure it’s a technical fabric such as polypropylene or CoolMax, which wicks water and sweat away from your skin (no cotton). Stay dry, use an umbrella, poncho or raincoat.
3 – Be visible. Select outer layers that are very bright or light-colored and have reflective strips, since walking in the rain often means poor visibility.
4 – Prevent chafing. Chafing can happen during any long walk, but it can be much worse if you’re wet from the rain. Spread Body Glide or Vaseline on parts of your body where you would normally chafe or get blisters – such as your feet, inner thighs, or underarms.
5 – Protect your electronics from getting wet. Store electronics, such as your cell phone and iPod, in a Ziplock bag or a waterproof carrier.
6 – DON’T WALK DURING THUNDER STORMS! Keep your walk indoors if there are thunderstorms in the area. Training is not worth the risk of getting struck by lightning. Walk in the mall or other large venue like a hockey rink.
7 – See it as an opportunity to build your mental strength. Sometimes we do get a “little” rain during Kidney March, knowing what gear works to keep you dry and warm is a bonus! You’ll be ready to handle any challenge that comes your way.
8 – Watch your step. The road or path can be slippery. The key is to take small steps and really pay attention to your footing. Try to avoid stepping in puddles as much as you can. Your running shoes and feet will get wet from the rain, but they’ll get absolutely soaked if you step in a big puddle.
9 – Check your shoe grip. If the bottoms are worn flat those shoes will be slippery in the rain. Your shoes should have grooves on their soles that are deeper than one millimeter. These channels allow water to run through them and also help to get a better grip on the road.
10 – Dry out your shoes after. When you get back from a wet walk, take off your running shoes and stuff them with crumpled balls of newspaper. This helps the shoes keep their shape, and the paper draws moisture away from the shoes. Don’t put them in the dryer or in front of a heater – that can shrink them or warp them so they won’t fit you properly.
There are 9 weeks until Kidney March. And we thought this would be a great time for training tips and fundraising ideas!
As you know, the kilometres we walk and the funds we raise are nothing compared to the day-to-day battle of kidney disease. Knowing that inspires us all to go outside our comfort zone – whether that’s setting out to walk further than ever before … or going on social media to raise awareness and funds.
Kidney March is 57 sleeps away. This is the perfect time to ramp up your training and fundraising. We are here to support you along the way. People tell us they get stuck at some point on the Kidney March journey … whether they’ve just registered or have a fundraising hurdle to overcome.
So … we compiled a fundraising and training plan to help make the process fun and rewarding.
Need to know who, how or when to approach supporters for donations? Need a walking schedule to keep you on track? Wondering whether stretching really helps?
If you prefer to have company during your training, join your fellow Kidney March fans on our scheduled training walks which are listed in the 9 week plan as well as at www.kidneymarch.ca.
You don’t have to be a Marcher to do these training walks. These events are for everyone! Sure, we’d love for you to jump on board for the exhilarating trek through the foothills of the Rockies – it’s not too late to register. We’re just as happy to have you make a few friends and keep your kidneys running in tip-top shape.
What do Richard, Linda, Jane, Jeff & Cassidy have in common when it comes to fundraising? All have been very successful in reaching their fundraising goals.
How did they do it? By going door to door. Now I know that it may seem very daunting, but trust me….this is different. This technique has been so successful year after year for them that they have reached their goals in a very short time.
So, what’s the secret? Well, they get dressed up in their Kidney March gear and arm themselves with a lot of donation forms and Kidney March brochures. Sometimes, they have prepared 50/50 tickets to offer as well. Then they go to their neighbours, share their personal stories and ASK! It’s that simple.
So, why not try it? Here are some pointers before you get going door to door.
1. Personalize your personal fundraising page. Ask our Kidney March team if you need help with it. Drive your friends, family and neighbours to your personal page. Especially if you are going door to door, people may want to give securely online.
2. Have a 50/50 raffle. We will get the license for you. It is another thing you can offer your neighbours when you go knocking on their door. Who doesn’t want a chance to win some money!
3. Ask us for marketing material such as posters, pamphlets, brochures, donation forms, registration forms and even signage for events you may have.
4. Practice what you will say in advance. The reason you are taking part in Kidney March is your best story. But also remember this is Canada’s longest, largest single awareness and fundraising event for kidney disease and organ donation. So ASK, ASK, ASK. Ask your friends and neighbours to help you reach your goal.
Here are some other fundraising ideas:
• Email everyone you know with your fundraising page link and ASK. What’s the worst thing people can say? NO? From experience, many will say YES.
• Use your social media outlets! Post, Tweet, Hashtag…
• Host a Bake sale.
• Hold a Kidney Clothes donation drive. Did you know that you can get credit for the clothes you donate to Kidney Clothes? Ask us how.
• Run a Raffle/Silent Auction (ask local businesses for prizes they can donate). Remember to contact us about tax receipting and the license.
• Bottle drives are excellent because not only can you ask for bottles you can also ask for donations when collecting the bottles. Win, Win.
• Host a fundraising BBQ with friends, co-workers, family…and charge a fee. People will be happy to pay it to help the cause.
• Check with your employer to see if they match employee fundraising.
• Think outside the box. There are countless ideas on how to fundraise out there!
A big shout out to our partner, Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy.
Nose Creek is offering Marchers, Crew and Volunteers a 50% discount on a walking stride analysis until May 31st, 2016. While this will definitely be awesome in the lead up to Kidney March, the tools you’ll learn from this assessment could help you walk well for the rest of your active years (which we hope last a lifetime!).
Stretching is essential to enjoying Kidney March, and it also happens to be essential for overall health. When we stretch (before, after and during walking) we help our body find its length and strength. That’s why you’ll hear us talking to you more about stretching than we talk about walking.
Thanks to Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy for these fabulous tips.
In honour of 7 years and 700 kilometres of Kidney March, and just in time for training walks, we’re delighted to announce that you can earn a FREE fitbit just by helping The Kidney Foundation of Canada. How? It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Register as Marcher or Crew. Already registered, way to go, you are one step ahead.
2. Speak with your family and friends, host a get together, contact your employer about a donation or donation matching, get creative or use email and Facebook… whatever works, just start sharing that you have made this amazing commitment to ending kidney disease and ask for donations in support.
3. Be one of the first 50 people to raise an additional $700 to your existing fundraising total between April 18 and May 28, 2016 and, BAM, the fitbit is yours.
And now for the small print… This incentive is open to both Marchers and Crew, however, only the first 50 people to reach the incremental $700 qualify. One fitbit per person.