Watch with us Saturday October 24, 2020 at 7:00 pm MT
Although we can’t be together in person, nothing will stop us from celebrating everyone who has made Kidney March what it is today – Marchers, Crew, donors, sponsors and volunteers! In our 11 years, Kidney March has raised over $9.5 million to change the lives of kidney patients and their families. This life-changing achievement is thanks to you, our Kidney March family, and it’s time to celebrate your ongoing support for the kidney community. Learn about the achievements of 2020, watch special messages from marchers, be the first to see the 2020 video and the Trailblazer item, and leave inspired for 2021!
Whatever 2021 brings, we are marching no matter what!
Register before December 1, 2020, to be a Trailblazer
What is a Trailblazer? Trailblazers boldly lead the way for Kidney March 2021 by registering before December 1, 2020 and committing to raising a minimum of $2,200. In recognition of this, Trailblazers receive a high-end clothing item to wear proudly. (Watch the Alumni to see what it will be!)