You may have heard the hoots and hollers coming from the Kidney March office today as registration for Kidney March continues to climb. Just in time for 100 days to Kidney March, we are so close to welcoming our 200th Marcher. We cheer loudly for everyone who comes onboard as a Marcher or Crew. And if you’ve been on the fence about signing up… now’s the time.
In its 5th year, this grassroots movement encourages you to do the most you can do in the fight against kidney disease. To support that and to celebrate 200 Marchers, we’re giving away a FREE registration and Kidney March swag pack to the person who registers as the 200th Marcher. As friends, family, medical staff or a person living with kidney disease, Kidney March Marchers march with hearts made heavy from the burden of illness and feet made light with the hope of early diagnosis, better treatment and a cure.
100 days is not too late to register. When you register, you will join the hundreds of people who are marching and crewing alongside you. It’s an amazing community that commits to do the most they possibly can for kidney disease. Last year we had 36 Marchers and 24 Crew who signed up within 100 days of the March. Each successfully fundraised and trained, either on their own, with a team, or with the help of the Kidney March team. To join, visit or come out to the next For Your Information session.