Lots of folks are asking “what should I expect on Day Zero”, so here’s a brief run down. Day Zero is the spark to your wick… it will ignite your soul and your feet and get you ready for the three days ahead. Please mark your calendars as, in addition to the fun, there’s some business to attend to making it mandatory to attend. So mark September 4th on your calendar.
Date & Location
Thursday, September 4th at the Delta Calgary South (135 Southland Drive SE) – Bonavista Ballroom in the Tower Building.
Mandatory Check-in
At Day Zero you’ll receive your check-in package and proceed through several stations: tent assignment, donation drop off, waiver completion/drop off, and meal plan. Stations can be completed in any order so feel free to start where the line is the shortest. To save time, please fill out your waiver ahead of time: https://kidneymarch.ca/day-zero. Day Zero check-in opens at 2:15pm on Thursday, September 4th.
Mandatory Safety & Orientation Session
All Marchers and Crew must attend a mandatory Safety and Orientation Session. We are offering the sessions at three different times.
Session 1: 3:00pm
Session 2: 5:00pm
Session 3: 7:00pm
Each session is 45 minutes in length. We recommend arriving 30 minutes ahead of time to go through the check-in stations prior to your session. You will need more time if you are turning in donations. Please note, the 7:00pm session is typically the busiest (most people).
Mandatory Crew Meeting – 6:00pm
This is a Mandatory Crew Meeting for all Crew Members. As it is in addition to the Safety and Orientation Session we recommend joining the 2nd or 3rd session. At the Crew meeting you’ll be meeting your Team Leads and fellow Crew Members and preparing to confidently execute a flawless Kidney March.
Our Official Kidney March Hotel is the Delta Calgary South. To ensure availability, call and reserve your room at 1-877-278-5050 or connect with them online at: www.deltahotels.com by August 22nd. Don’t forget to mention you’re with Kidney March to receive our special rate.