We’re thrilled to announce that YMCA Calgary has jumped on board to support our Kidney Marchers again this year. The Y has put together some great training advice and plans for you. When you register you’ll receive your new Kidney March t-shirt and your Marcher Handbook, which includes a training plan. Our 2010 and 2011 Marchers verify it works!
“I have never done any walking before and I wasn’t sure that I could really do it. I followed the training plan in the handbook and it really got me ready. I felt very prepared and I was able to manage the 100K without any problems. I really appreciated the support.”
Sue, 2010 Marcher
The Y will be leading training walks for us again this year. It’s a great opportunity to meet your fellow Marchers. Family and friends are welcome too. Stay tuned for upcoming training events.
Interested in organizing some training activities in your area? Contact our Kidney March Support Team and they’ll help you get started. 1.866.9.KIDNEY or info@kidneymarch.ca.