Kidney March has become so big that for the first time ever we have reached our maximum capacity for Marchers! This is amazing; we feel incredibly honoured to have reached this historic milestone for our 10th year of Kidney March. It’s not every day that hundreds of brave souls will step-up to take on a cause this big, but today is such a day! We are excited to make the boldest statement we have ever made to fight kidney disease and boost organ donation.
What does this mean for those who want to participate but haven’t registered yet?
- We still need more Crew! We are looking for a few more amazing people to join Crew. Crew is a very rewarding part of Kidney March and an experience all in its own. We have a handful of spots left for Crew and these will be full soon too. Register today and be sure to get in!
*We are also seeking more Medical Crew (EMTs, nurses, doctors, and paramedics). If you or someone you know would like to be on our Medical Crew, please have them contact Susan Reghenas P: 403.255.6108 ext. 29.
- Volunteer with us!We need volunteers to help us with set-up and take-down, at Day Zero and more. To be a volunteer contact Susan Reghenas P: 403.255.6108 ext. 29.
- Be a Kidney March Champion:Help your registered Marcher/Crew family and friends with their fundraising goals. Be their champion and amplify their efforts. Fundraise on their behalf, help them train, cheer them on and help them do the most they can do for 2019.
- Register as an early Trailblazer for 2020! Email to be added to the wait-list for 2020 registration. We will be opening 2020 Trailblazer signups early this year, and you will be the first to know when it’s open.
Questions? Contact Laura from the Kidney March team at 1.866.956.2724 or email her at