It’s World Kidney Day. A message from Our National President

It’s World Kidney Day. In honour of such, we’re on a mission to stand up and make noise. We hope you will too.

Everyone receiving this has been touched by kidney disease in one way or another. If you’re like me, you’re endlessly frustrated by its nature. Debilitating. Incurable. Utterly relentless. To seeing people I know and love go through the daily reality of this disease is disheartening; but I have hope.

As many of you know, it’s World Kidney Day today. Today, we celebrate how far we’ve come in the field of research, we honour those we know and love who are affected by kidney disease and we put faith in a future where it’s no longer a silent killer that currently affects more than 1 million Canadians. And, most important of all, we do something about it. Something Big.

I’m asking you, to do the most you can possibly do to help plant the boldest flag humanity has ever attempted in the fight against kidney disease and the appeal for organ donation. I’m asking you to join us for this year’s 4th Annual Kidney March.

Click here to read more.

Three cheers for Kate, her incredible story and her contagious inspiration


In January of 2011 at just 25 years old, Kidney March 2012 Alumni, Kate was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy.  The diagnosis arrived after fourteen long months of experiencing severe headaches and sensitivity to light.   Click here to read more.

Become a Hero In Training



May 3, 2012


Become a Hero In Training


They say “April showers bring May flowers”. But around the excited halls of the Kidney Foundation, we say “April showers bring May…wait, it’s May? That’s 4 months until Kidney March! We need to start training!”

Kidney March certainly isn’t a cake walk. But there’s motivation in our mission. Kidney disease can’t be stopped. People are waiting for transplants. The 100 kilometres and $2,200 we raise is nothing compared to the day-to-day battle of kidney disease.

However, when it comes to training, the brain can play tricks on us. It takes a lot of mental strength to go from the first lonely training walk of the winter months to game time (fighting) shape! But fear not. We, along with the rest of your fellow Kidney March fans, are here to support you with our scheduled training walks. Click here to read more.