1. Personalize your fundraising page. Ask our Kidney March team if you need help with that. Link to your page on social media. People like giving securely online.
2. Email everyone you know the link to your fundraising page link and ask for their support. What’s the worst thing people can say? Many will say YES.
3. Have a 50/50 raffle. We will get the license for you. Host an event (pub night, garage sale, garden party, BBQ) and sell the 50/50 tickets there. Who doesn’t want a chance to win some money?
4. Ask us for marketing materials – posters, pamphlets, brochures, donation forms, registration forms, and signs!
4. Practice what you want to say when you ask. The reason you are taking part in Kidney March is compelling. This is Canada’s longest, largest single event for kidney disease and organ donation. Ask your friends and neighbours to help you reach your goal.
5. Host a Bake sale.
6. Have a Kidney Clothes drive. Did you know you can get credit for the clothes you donate to Kidney Clothes? Ask us how.
7. Run a raffle/silent auction. Ask local businesses for prizes. Best time to ask is when you are buying something! Remember to contact us about tax receipting and the license.
8. Bottle drives are excellent because not only can you ask for bottles, you can also ask for donations when collecting the bottles. Plus you can train at the same time! Win, win, win!
9. Host a BBQ with friends, co-workers, family … and charge a fee. People will be happy to pay it to help the cause.
10. Check with your employer to see if they match employee fundraising.