April 5, 2020
Kidney March EXPO is going ONLINE
Sunday, April 5, 2020 - 10:00 am
Join us for Kidney March EXPO Online! This is the annual kick-off event for Kidney March.
We want all our Marchers and Crew from across the country and around the world to be able to join our annual Kidney March EXPO, so we’ve decided to host our EXPO completely online this year. The safety and health of our Kidney March community is vital. Given recent advisories, we knew we would not be able to host our traditional EXPO in Calgary on April 5. However, keep it marked on your calendar because we are excited to bring EXPO to the comfort of your home in the form of an online webinar.
You will get all the info you need to kick off 2020, while helping keep our community safe. Join us for fundraising tips, training tips, a Q & A period, a few surprises, and much more! During this important time of physical distancing, let’s continue to keep our Kidney March social connections strong. Our team will be working hard to make this a fun and interactive event so stay tuned to the home page of kidneymarch.ca for full details of how to join us for “EXPO Online” on Sunday, April 5th.
Kidney March 2020 - Failure is not an option.
This is the 11th year for Kidney March, the largest 100 km walk of its kind in the world fighting against kidney disease and for organ donation. Kidney March is growing from coast to coast. We are thrilled to be welcoming the BC & Yukon Branch again this year, along with the Saskatchewan Branch and the Northern Alberta & Territories Branch who are building teams!
Visit kidneymarch.ca to find out more about the event, our cause, and how you can participate as a Marcher or Crew member. Invite family and friends from across Canada to join you in this unforgettable journey. Funds raised by Kidney March will fuel advances in kidney research and valuable patient programs. Together we can make a historic difference in the lives of the 4 million Canadians impacted by kidney disease.
Contact info: laura.fleming@kidney.ca or susan.reghenas@kidney.ca | 1.866.956.2724
WHERE: ONLINE - Stay tuned for more details to come!
KidneyMarch.ca • @KidneyMarch 1.866.956.2724